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What's New

The aim of this page is new stuff - we refresh it when we update the site, so you can find new material quickly, and we also use it as somewhere to post news.

  • Haulier shortage in the offing? - a post about deflation in the haulage market. Posted 17 July 2024
  • HGV job ads - graph showing the low level of job ads for truck drivers at the moment. Posted 25 June 2024
  • Articles & slides - most recent is a presentation by Kirsten to Tomorrow's Warehouse titled Automation: a force for good? and followed by a presentation to one of Scala Consulting Best Practice Forums on the impact of the changing economy. Posted 21 June 2024
  • Automation: a force for good? - most recent presentation by Kirsten to Tomorrow's Warehouse. Posted 21 June 2024

  • Click here for info on buying our ebook on UK Logistics Location Strategy, or here for a free write-up we did on map-based analysis for logistics.

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